
Monday, December 7, 2020

WIP Parade 2020.6 - Shakespeare's Fairies

What can I say... its 2020
So, instead of trying to catch up from the spring, I'm doing another WIP Parade

WIP PARADE 2019 - WIP #6

Next WIP up is Shakespeare's Fairies


Start Date:January 1, 2019
Fabric:Fabrics by Stephanie - 32ct lugana in Knights Watch
Thread:Called for DMC
Other Notes:New Years SAL with friends


What can I say... I just haven’t been feeling this WIP.  It is going into the on hold basket for now

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That's a WIP? Barely! I agree, put it to one side and come back when you feel more like it.