The blogging prompt for hop #12 is:
When it comes to the stitching part of your life, what are you most thankful for?
This is probably one of the easiest prompts I have had to answer. I am most thankful to the stitching friends I have met, especially the ones I met at the Knowledge and Needles Open House back in August 2009. Not only do I have a great group of ladies to stitch with, I have made some amazing friends who I can't imagine not being in my life.
If you want to read more about my meeting these amazing people you can check out the flowing posts:
Days that change your life - scroll to bottom of post
There are a ton more with outings, but I think these sum up my meeting them :)
Visit all the blogs in this round of the Stitching the Night Away Stitching Blogger Blog Hop:
Find the instructions on how to participate in this round by clicking here.
Find the instructions on how to participate in this round by clicking here.
I have met *some* people online, but I might be in the minority when I find out people in my everyday life cross stitch too! It is fun to share a similar passion with those around you. I am fortunate that way!
I have made some wonderful friends from the stitching community as well. Some I've met in person, others only by email and Facebook, but all are wonderful and loved <3
Sharing or life & the various parts of it is always great!
I have to agree... one of the best things are our stitchy friends!
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