
Showing posts with label YarnCrawl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YarnCrawl. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

April 2019 update

My update continues.  As you will see, April wasn't a productive month!

APRIL 2019


Magic Mini Monsters
Trying to get out of my lack of stitching, I started yet another project.

I saw people posting this online, and thought it looked fun!
I managed to get the title part done.

Since I wasn't working in an accounting firm this tax season, Blair and decided to go to the ROM for my birthday.  Since its as the end of the month, I RARELY do anything for my birthday.  It was a great day out, and very lucky to have him in my life.

I did get a chance to drop off 2 pieces to the framers in April.  I will be sharing these with you in my May and June updates!

I had worked on my blue socks this month.  Not much to show, but the colour on these is amazing

Yarn Crawl
My friend Trista and I did get to start the yarn crawl this month... another yay to not working Saturdays in April this year.  No real pictures to show but I enjoyed our day out!